Thursday, December 8, 2011

announcements for December 4th

There are many items coming up this month:
December 7th - Bible Study in the undercroft at church with Darel Olson 2:20 - 4:00
Mending Wings Dinner - 5:30
December 9 + 10 - Missoula Children's Theater Production at Wapato High School
December 17 - Posada 5:00 Campbell Farm
December 24 - 5:00 Christmas Eve Service at Christ Church
11:00 Christmas Eve Service at Toppenish United Methodist Church

Remember to return your pledge card.

Remember your gift for the St. Michael's Outreach - due Sunday December 11th.

Prayer List: Joan, Joe and family, Jim, Carrie and Mike, Lynn and Dave, David, Crisol, Christian and family, Beth, Ryan, Josh and family and friends, Carol and family, Alma, J.B., Dorothy, Bob and Laura, Mark, David N, Kathy, Lori, Belinda, Dionna, Ashley, Grace, Muriel, Chris, Oney, Joe, Darlene, Lloyd, Mildren and Jeff.